
Latest News

  • Annual General Meeting – March 30

    Our AGM will be held after the service on March 30. We will have a sandwich/cookie potluck in the foyer after the service followed by the meeting. Please bring sandwiches, veggies, fruit or cookies to share. I encourage you to plan on attending the meeting where we will reflect on...

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  • Managing Your Money

    Ken Farkash and Brad Seymour will be leading a class on The discipline of managing your money Fridays from 7 – 8 pm at the Edge building (4906 – 49 Ave) beginning March 14 for 6 weeks. Dave Ramsey lays the steps out that are necessary for success. Ramsey’s emphasis on budgeting goes beyond mere tracking...

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  • Short-Term Missions Meeting – March 27

    A meeting will be held for all those interested in short-term missions and supporting and exploring the options available. Join Mark Hager in the church library at 7 pm on March 27.

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  • Women’s Connection Night – April 8

    Women’s Connection Night will be on Tuesday, April 8 at 7 p.m. in the Church foyer. Bring your favorite snack to share. What do you do in your spare time? Bring a project you are working on.

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  • Guiding Families Sunday mornings @ 9:30 am

    The Guiding Families Sunday School class is taking a break this Sunday, March 16. Join us on Sunday mornings in March for a one-hour class designed for anyone who wants to learn how to love and support LGBT+ individuals through a Christ-centered perspective. Pastor Liam will teach from the Guiding...

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  • Fill the Gap: Refugees – Shareword Global Fundraiser

    Join us for a special fundraiser “Fill the Gap: Refugees” and make an eternal difference. The fundraiser dinner is hosted by the local Vermilion chapter of Shareword Global (formerly the Gideons) on March 24 at 6:30 pm at the Vermilion Regional Centre. Special guest speaker is Aimee Lemire with special...

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  • Worship Service

    Join us for our Worship service starting at 10:45 a.m. Sunday mornings in person and online.  Come as you are. Our service includes singing some worship songs, a message from one of our Pastors, prayer and a review of upcoming events. The first Sunday of the month we celebrate communion...

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  • Vocal Workshop

    Caroline Parke is leading the Vocal workshop at the church from 10:30 am till Noon on the upcoming dates: March 8 and April 5. This is for everyone who would like to learn more and improve their skills. There is no cost to attend.

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