Annual General Meeting – March 30

Our AGM will be held after the service on March 30. We will have a sandwich/cookie potluck in the foyer after the service followed by the meeting. Please bring sandwiches, veggies, fruit or cookies to share. I encourage you to plan on attending the meeting where we will reflect on...

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Managing Your Money

Ken Farkash and Brad Seymour will be leading a class on The discipline of managing your money Fridays from 7 – 8 pm at the Edge building (4906 – 49 Ave) beginning March 14 for 6 weeks. Dave Ramsey lays the steps out that are necessary for success. Ramsey’s emphasis on budgeting goes beyond mere tracking...

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Guiding Families Sunday mornings @ 9:30 am

Join us on Sunday mornings in March for a one-hour class designed for anyone who wants to learn how to love and support LGBT+ individuals through a Christ-centered perspective. Pastor Liam will teach from the Guiding Families book with the Alliance’s theological and mission perspective. The class runs Sundays in...

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