Our goal is to “Inspire people into a growing relationship with Jesus.” Let us help you lean into who God made you to be.  We acknowledge that spiritual growth happens amidst relationships. We are fearfully and wonderfully made to serve others so the body of Christ may be built up.

Listed below are areas of ministry that we offer to help you connect with others and grow in your relationship with Jesus. These are also areas where you can get involved, serve and begin to use your God given gifts. You can contact the people leading in each area directly or contact the church office for more information or to get involved.

Worship Ministries

Our Worship Ministry Team serves Sunday mornings in a variety of ways. We are eager to welcome new faces to our team who serve joyfully together. Contact Connie Elder, our Worship Ministry Director, for more information or to become involved.([email protected])

Worship Ministry Opportunities

Men’s Ministries

Men’s ministries give the men in our church a chance to get together and support one another. Our men meet together on Thursday mornings at 6:30 am for Prayer and Breakfast at Nick’s afterwards. Contact  the church office for more information on our men’s ministry.

Adult Ministries

This includes our Life Groups (Small groups), Life Long Learning (Sunday mornings), and Men’s ministries. Adult ministries offer the Adults in our church a time and a place to get together and fellowship with one another, grow in their faith and delve deeper into God’s word.

Youth & Young Adult Ministries

Our Youth ministry meets on Friday nights from 7 – 9:30 pm for youth grades 7 – 12. Our Young Adult community at Parkview includes those in the age group from 18 – 35 years as well as those attending Lakeland College. Our Edge Youth ministry runs out of our Downtown Office location.

Trendsetter’s Ministries

The Trendsetters are our Empty Nesters and beyond group. Most months the group meets the last Sunday of each month for lunch. The Trendsetters also get together for fellowship throughout the year in Life groups and small groups, for social events and for meals. The Mother’s Day Breakfast if provided by the Trendsetters group. Please contact Ray Wynnyk for more information or to become involved and use your gifts in this area. ([email protected])

Women’s Ministries

Our women’s ministries give the women of our church an opportunity to fellowship together. In the past the past this has included weekly bible studies, Ladies Retreats, and other special events.

Global Missions Team

Through strategic partnerships and short-term mission’s trips this team helps us to fulfill our core value of Mission: “Reaching everyone with Christs hope.” To become involved on this team contact Marion Dicke.

Care Ministries

Our Care Ministry Team considers it a privilege to
provide care and support to individuals and families in our church & community who are at critical stages in their lives. Contact Florence Tovell for more information or to become involved.([email protected])

  • Provide meals, visitation, benevolence and food bags, etc.
Children’s Ministries

Many of our Children’s ministries run on Sunday mornings, but there are some other ways you can serve as well. Contact Sheri Tovell for more information or to become involved and serve in this area. ([email protected])

Other Ministry Opportunities

We have several other areas where we need willing volunteers and you can use your gifts to serve others in our church. Check the bulletin or Facebook for other opportunities as they arise. For more information contact the church office. ([email protected])

We follow the Plan To Protect guidelines and screen our volunteers. Depending on where you would like to serve or your role, you may be asked to provide a police check and attend a training session. We appreciate all our volunteers and hope you will prayerfully consider where God would have you serve.

Inspiring People Into A Growing Relationship With Jesus

Denominational Prayer:

O God, with all our hearts, we long for You.
Come, transform us to be Christ-centred, Spirit empowered, mission-focused people,

multiplying disciples everywhere.