The theme for the second Sunday of the advent season is peace and the topic of Pastor Liam’s sermon for our Communion Sunday on December 3 at Parkview Alliance Church. sermon notes
Pastor Liam wraps up his sermon series on “Seasons of Change” with How to Live for Tomorrow for October 8 at Parkview Alliance Church. Sermon notes
Pastor Liam continues our sermon series on Building Better Relationships with Works Not Wasted from Hebrews 6:9-12 for May 28 at Parkview Alliance Church.
Pastor Liam and Pastor Harvey will be leading us for our Good Friday service with the Pentecostal Church. Join us in person or online at 10:45 am.
Our 40 Days of Prayer continues with Pastor Liam discussing “Praying in Five Dimensions” for February 26 at Parkview Alliance Church. Click here to view the full service. Sermon Notes